If you are experiencing issues launching GeForce NOW and you are working with an NVIDIA Customer Care agent, an agent may request that you collect GeForce NOW logs from your PC. Generally you can submit logs using the "Send feedback" option within the GeForce NOW app. In the event you are unable to launch GeForce NOW or you are unable to submit feedback then you may have to manually collect the logs from the local system. Please follow the steps below to collect the logs from your PC:
1. On your Windows keyboard, press the Windows key and the letter "R" at the same time to bring up the Run command window. In the Open field, type the following text and then press the OK button as shown in the screenshot below:
%localappdata%\NVIDIA Corporation\GeForceNOW

2. This will open your Windows file explorer in the above location. The agent will need you to provide the following ten files as shown in the screenshot below.
Please note: If your PC is missing some of the files, you may ignore them.
Please note: If your PC is missing some of the files, you may ignore them.

3. The agent will also need the Microsoft System Information file from your PC to confirm the driver version installed for your graphics controller and operating system version. Please follow the instructions in the FAQ below to learn how to generate a Microsoft System Information file and provide it to the support team:
4. If you are not working with an NVIDIA Customer Care support agent, please email the GeForce NOW log files and Microsoft System Information file to driverfeedback@nvidia.com.