Extracting the GeForce video BIOS ROM file

Updated 04/01/2022 12:49 PM

Extracting the GeForce video BIOS ROM file

If you are reporting an issue to NVIDIA for an issue that may be specific to a particular graphics card make and model, you may be asked to extract and provide a copy of your video BIOS ROM file so that your issue can be investigated. Follow the steps below:
  1. Download the latest version of the 3rd party utility GPU-Z from:.:
  2. https://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/
  3. Proceed to install the software.
  4. Open GPU-Z
  5. GPU-Z should appear similar to the screenshot below. Next to the words BIOS Version, click on the arrow icon -> choose Save to file.
  6. Give a name to the file and then provide this file to the NVIDIA support agent.

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