Do NVIDIA GRID GPUs support XenMotion/vMotion, DRS or High-Availability (HA)?

Updated 09/29/2021 01:03 PM

Do NVIDIA GRID GPUs support XenMotion/vMotion, DRS or High-Availability (HA)?

At the time of writing NVIDIA GRID vGPU and vDGA/pass-through for Citrix XenDesktop/XenApp or VMware Horizon View does not support:

· vMotion on vSPhere

· XenMotion on XenServer

High-Availability (HA) for with VMware (pre-vSphere 6.5): VMware added HA support for vGPU enabled VMs in their vSphere 6.5 (Nov 2016) release, vSphere 2016 is supported by the GRID 4.1 (Nov 2016) release

· High-Availability (HA) for with Citrix XenServer

· JIT (Just in time) clones for VMware

These are virtualization features provided by Citrix/VMware/other vendor and as such support and provision of those features is the remit of those vendors. Customers with a need for these features are advised to contact Citrix/VMware/other to raise their need.

Customers should check at the time of reading of the current status of provision by Citrix/VMware/other and consult the current release notes from those vendors.

vSGA on VMware ESXi/vSphere

vSGA from VMware does support vMotion for VMware but it should be noted it is not a full hardware-acceleration technology and as such performance and behavior is very different to vGPU/pass-through/vDGA technologies.


· XenServer users should consult the for the _relevant_ version of Graphics Configuration Guide for XenServer e.g. for XS 6.5 Sp1: "Configuring XenServer v6.5.0 Service Pack 1 for Graphics"- this: where it states "vGPU and GPU Pass-Through are not compatible with High Availability, XenMotion, Storage XenMotion or VM Suspend. However, VMs, using GPU Pass-Through or vGPU, can still be started on any host that has the appropriate resources"

· VMware users should consult the _relevant_ version of the vGPU deployment guide such as: which currently states "VMOTION AND DRS NOT SUPPORTED Virtual machines utilizing vGPU, or vDGA/passthrough, or SRIOV, do not support vMotion or similar live motion functionality due to the dependence on a physical hardware resource. Cold motion, shutting down the virtual machine and moving it to another identically GPU equipped host, works well."

· VMware's guide "Deploying Hardware-Accelerated Graphics with View Virtual Desktops in Horizon 6 " ( and currently states. The vSGA solution uses a proprietary VMware graphics driver that provides an abstraction layer on top of the physical GPU, so that virtual desktops benefit from hardware acceleration, but they do not have direct physical access to the GPU. This arrangement allows functionality such as VMware vSphere vMotion® but means that not all graphics APIs are supported."

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